Thursday, 30 July 2009


heyyoooooo waw udah lama gue ga cerita ttg lovelife gue yaaaaa................ ya emang semenjak taun baru gue gapernah lagi sih yaa. okay jadi kalo dari taun baru gue gapernah pacaran lagi, post ini maksdunya apa dong yegak

pertama2 gue mau cerita ttg cowo yang gue suka. dia temen SD gue dan gue suka sama dia udah agak lama, lets say i liked him for 4 years(maybe). dan sepertinya dia ga suka sama gue jadi selama 4 taun gue bertepuk sebelah tangan!!!!!! can you imagine that? oke, terus udah lama gue pengen reunian buat ketemu temen2 lama(dan pastinya si cowo-_--) tapi reuninya ga jadi2 dan temen2 SD semakin sombong gituuuuuuu haha ya engga semuanya kok tenang aja kawaaan! yayaa moving on, terus bbrp hari yang lalu temen gue, katakanlah namanya si XYZ bilang ke gue kalo guru SD gue nikahan terus ngundang alumni2 gitu dan yang pasti murid2nya sekarang. dan si XYZ bilang kalo si cowo mau dateng,insyallah.

bbrp hari setelah itu, temen deket gue pas SD minta gue dateng ke penutupan cup sekolahnya. and i cant say no to my BEST friend,right? jadi gue bilang gue akan usahain dateng ke sekolahnyaa. jadi sekarang gue bingung nih, mau ketemu si cowo apa ketemu si temen gue itu. it's so confusing,maaaaaaan. have any ideas for me? please comment :)

Wednesday, 29 July 2009


hello bloggerrrrsssss! kangen blog deh gue hihi udah lama ya ga post, well engga juga sih tapi............ya forget it. okay wanna know why the title of this post is FRED? well, its because i'm in love with this guy :DD

Okay bbrp hari yang lalu gue ngotak-ngatik favorite di account youtube gue. dan gue nemu judul video 'Fred goes to the Dentist'. i watched it and totally LOVED it. LOL-ed so hard hihihi. mau coba nntn? here's some videos of Fred.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

I love Indonesia

hello :) I'm in a really good mood loooh. kenapa? SOALNYA GUE BACA SESUATU YANG BOMBASTIS!

We Love Indonesia Forever!

One Love , One Heart, One Family, One Blood!
Last week, some members of the Indonesian community of Byron Shire had a picnic on the bank of the beautiful Brunswick River to re-confirm their love for Indonesia. AIAA member Gill Secombe, who had quickly organised a fundraising activitiy for Indonesian victims of the Bali bombing the week before, came up with the idea of a group photo of our children to express our love and unity with Indonesia to the world.

Our tiny rural Indonesian community represents most religions and ethnic groups of Indonesia- Australian muslims, Indonesian christians, followers of Hindu Dharma Bali - all the families of our community are of mixed Australian and Indonesian ancestory and include people of many different ethnic backgrounds - Balinese, Javanese, Chinese, Sundanese, Australian, Dutch, Scottish, French, Jewish as well as people from Lombok, Moluku, Sulawesi, Kalimantan.

We couldn't keep the kids out of the water or to stay still in one place long enough, so we ended up with a series of photos which give a clue of the peaceful life that we share here in Northern NSW.
Boys on the bank of the Brunswick River whose ancestors came from Bali, Java, Singapore, France and Australia.

Lorna De Jong and Her son Java. She named her son Java becuase of her love for Java and the Javanese people.

Some members of the Indonesian community of Byron Shire with Efiq Zulfiqar from Krakatau (front row, second from right).

Jade and Abi Tyas-Tunggal

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Indon celaka? wtf

heeeeeeeeey. tau blog indon celaka? well, i do. isinya? SAMPAH SEMUA CUIH MASUK NERAKA AJE LU YANG BUAT

okay sebenernya gue udah tau dari lama kalo ada blog kaya gitu tapi yah gue biarin aja abisnya isinya masih alay dan gada yang baca and blablabla ga penting. tapi bbrp bulan yang lalu gue iseng2 buka lagi abis dikasih linknya sama temen gue. dan ternyata isinya tambah bikin emosi. terus sekarang si yang buat blog itu (kita panggil aja si B) udah 'gaul' soalnya headernya udah ada gambar2. dia udah pinter ya buatnya dasar orang kreatif. tau ga gambar apa? hmm let's just say ada gambar item putih dan tulisan 'INDON CELAKA' yang gede, gambarnya itu ada 3 tp yang gue inget cuma ada gambar Garuda Indonesia yang terbang terus di bawahnya ada yang kecelakaan dan tulisan 'Garuda Indonesia : ride and die' WHAT THE F*CK BANGET GA SIH IH IH IH EMOSI JIWA.

nah sekarang tentang isinya ya. seinget gue ada post yang bilang kalo rendang itu hak milik orang Malaysia dan si B itu bilang kalo neneknya punya resep rendang yang bisa tahan sampe 5 hari. bangga dia makan makanan busuk. terus ada post lagi yang ada 2 gambar, yang 1 gambar nenek2 lagi sakit terus diusir sama puskesmas tulisannya 'ORANG MISKIN DILARANG SAKIT' dan gambar kedua gue lupa -__- terus ya ada lagi jadi kan ceritaya Malaysia bikin roket gitu kan terus roketnya mau terbang ato apalah istilahnya itu. terus si B itu bangga banget dan ada bbrp post ttg itu. dia bilang kalo Malaysia punya roket dan indonesia gapunya. SIAPE BILANG CUUUUY? DI RUMAH GUE AJA PUNYA 2 ROKET HEHEHEHEHE. yah intinya dia browsing internet dan printscreen ttg dia nyari roket buatan Malaysia di wikipedia trus hasilnya ada dan Indonesia gada hasilnya. yaudah sih sepele ya?

penasaran? mau menantang adrenalinmu? SILAHKAN BRO. tnggal klik aja disini selamat menikmat.........................................CUIH! pokoknyaa, LONG LIVE INDONESIA MWAH MWAH

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

adam air crash 2007

heyyaaaaaa peopleeeeeee! okay people i hope you'll still remembered Adam Air's crash in 2007 soalnya di post ini gue mau cerita lagi (yes, emang agak basi tp gpp ya hihi). jadi pertama2nya itu kemaren pas gue nyari2 acara yang bagus di TV malem2. karena ga dapet kartun2 (p.s i love cartoons on disney&nick!) jadi pindah ke NatGeo sama Discovery. eeeeeeh gue akhirnya dapet yang (lumayan) seru soalnya judulnya keren gitchu, kawan. judulnya apa emg? The Girl Who Lives in the Dark. abis nntn bbrp menit, ternyata seru banget dan ehem sedih banget men. gue sampe nangis2 nntnnyaaa huaaaaaaaaaa lebay? not really you should watch it,too. ini sinopsisnya ya :

Wan Lao Yang is a 9-year-old girl from China suffering from Xeroderma Pigmentosum, a rare genetic disorder which makes her skin unable to repair itself after exposure to U.V. light. As soon as U.V. hits Wan Lao, her skin reacts dangerously, making it impossible to go outside.

This film documents Wan Lao’s journey to Shanghai, and the treatment she receives from a specialist from the famous Great Ormornd Street Hospital. It also explores the work of NASA’s Sun Protection Team which has created a customised ‘sun suit’ for Wan Lao that blocks out 100% of U.V. rays.

Advanced surgical techniques and cutting-edge technology combine to transform the life of this remarkable little girl.

dan terakhirnya that poor girl died in june 2006 i think mungkin, MAYBE. sangat2 mengharukan. udah gitu anaknya kyk polos banget dan aw aw sedih gue nyeritainnya! abis nntn itu gue janji gamau mengkritik kulit gue ever agan, i promise!

okay back to business. abis acara menyedihkan itu, ada Air Crash Investigation. yep, my ultimate fave show-or-something-like-that. dan ternyataaaaaa, ada kecelakaan Adam Air!!!!!! norak ya gue, maaf. terus gue langsung lari2 ke kamar manggil mama&mba qya (GAPENTING HAHAHA) dan ternyata semuanya terkesima pas gue ngasih tau. jadi kita nntn bareng deh....................................................... sinopsis? okaydokey, mate! just click here.
atau baca yang dibawah ini(LOOK BELOW!)

The Plane That Vanished

January 1st, 2007 - After taking off from Indonesia's Suribaya airport, Adam Air Flight 574 settles in for the two-hour trip to Manado. The Boeing 737 is loaded with New Year's travelers taking advantage of the country's recent discount travel boom. But somewhere over the Java Sea, the plane hits turbulence, and air traffic controllers notice the jet is hundreds of miles off course…and headed for a major storm. Air traffic controllers get in touch with the lost plane - and try guiding it back on course. But the jet's navigational systems aren't working. And the bad weather is closing in. The crew struggle to find their way - when suddenly, flight 574 disappears from radar. Rescue teams search a section of the sea the size of Ireland - but it's a fisherman who finds the first piece of wreckage. There's no hope of survivors - 102 people are killed. After months of arguing over who will pay for the salvage operation, investigators eventually retrieve the aircraft's data and voice recorders. The rest of the wreckage is left behind. When they study the black boxes, investigators realize that the crew made a series of small mistakes that doomed their plane. When they took manual control of their jet, they were betrayed by a poor understanding of their automation systems - and flew the aircraft into the sea. But pushing further, investigators find that Adam Air did not properly maintain their jets. Problems with the navigational system were well known - but never fixed. Pilots also received poor training when it came to dealing with mechanical problems. Investigators conclude that the country's entire fleet of discount carriers - not just Adam Air -- was riddled with safety issues. The investigation eventually brings about Adam Air's suspension, and large-scale reforms to Indonesia's airline industry.

hem menurut gue sih perusahaannya sama pilotnya yang BEGO maaf but it's so true! kalo penasaran gimana2nyaaaa, mending nntn di youtube yuuuk hihihi MARI! just click here to watch. well thanks for reading buhbyeeeeeeeee. ohya sinopsis2nya bukan gue yang bikin but from NatGeo's website. so, I DONT OWN IT!