I can't believe in just 9 days it's going to be 2011. It's all just going too fast don't you think?? A lot of things happened in 2010. Good stuffs, and bad stuffs too. I lost a couple of my best friends in the whole wide world this year. I hurt a lot of my friends. I lied to the people i care about. Fell for strangers that ended up hurting me. Got heaps of trouble in school. Got on cyber-fights. Fought with my teachers. Got in trouble with my seniors, juniors and my friends too. Getting bad grades. Found a couple of people that secretly hate me. Being scolded by a lot of people.
But i also met true friends in this year. I met these guys
and these guys too
I also went on my first ever over night field trip with my friends on 8th grade! We went to Jogja for 4 days and 3 nights.
I also went on a Euro trip to the Netherlands, Belgium, and Paris.
Got braces on!
My grandparents' 50year wedding anniversary on June 13th, 2010.
And last but definitely not least......I met this guy. My 25July2010 guy:-)
Well a lot, let me repeat, a LOT had happened this year. I've done so much bad things and failed on a lot of stuffs this year and learnt from all of them and i wish to not repeat them in 2011. But i did succeed on a couple of things and did pretty nice deeds this year. I really hope to be a much better person next year. I hope I'll get in the school that i like. I hope I'll be more religious. I hope to be a better daughter, sister, friend, and girlfriend. I hope of big things in 2011!
It may not be a perfect year but i gotta say 2010 had brought me wonderful memories that i'll cherish forever. This may be one of the best years of my life. I'd like to thank everyone that made this year special, and say sorry to those who's year had sucked because of me.
Lastly, happy almost new year everyone! Toodles!